Technology Solutions

Resilient and flexible core technology for the backbone of your business

Clients of Instinet Technology Solutions can take advantage of the innovations we’ve developed to support our own high-volume global agency trading operation—a market-tested platform that performs to the standards of some of the most demanding asset managers and sell-side trading desks in the world.

Technology to optimize every
part of your trade life cycle.

Execution and order management

Support for end-to-end order and execution workflow, with built in risk and compliance controls

Full-cycle analytics

Pre-trade, in-trade, and post-trade insight to help optimize trade strategy, execution, and evaluation

Middle & back office

Consolidated and streamlined post-trade processing with seamless connections to clearing and settlement

Solution and service models

We offer flexible and scalable technology solutions at three core service levels, 

from fully custom to trade-ready desktop platforms.

Explore our trading and data platforms